Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Boys of Summer

My "baby" has signed up for tee-ball and is intent on playing.
We're thrilled, of course, but I am finding it hard to believe that he's old enough for organized sports. At first I thought he was just into the uniforms because he is VERY into dressing up. But he stuck to his guns even after he got all the gear and said he really wanted to play on real team with other players.
I was all teary with the cuteness of it. I had to call my best friend, Martine, from the field. She has an only boy and knows just how I feel about my "baby."
I have such wonderful memories of Little League. Well, my brother playing; girls weren't "invited" back then. They certainly are now! Hooray! Those long summers full of sunburns, summer crushes, snow cones, Cokes and corn dogs. I can remember every candy offered in the concession stand. I can remember my brother and all his friends; how they looked when they played, what team they were on.
One of the boys that my brother played Little League with died recently. When I heard the news I could just picture him at that old field. He was tall and gangly - all arms and legs. I bet Finny will look just like that in a few years.
Good 'ole Charlie travels, old friend.
Finny and Jack are so cute practicing together. Finn and I play a lot during the week, but there's just nothing cuter than a boy and a Daddy playing ball. Sigh.
I hope to always be totally supportive of Finn's interests and desires. I think it's so easy when it's something cool like tee-ball. I hope I am as enthusiastic and gracious when it's, oh, I dunno, the Army or something like that which bothers me personally. I hope to always trust that he knows what's best for himself. I know at my core that it's my job is to love HIM, not what he "does" (or doesn't do for that matter). I suppose these are the things that separate the men from the boys, so to speak.
Hope y'all can come watch a game. Finn will be the beautiful one hitting home runs. I will be the mama with tears in her eyes yelling the loudest. Oh, I bet jackdaddy will have "something in his eye" too - he's that kind of sweet Daddy.
Michele, Jack and Finnigan the Curious

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